
Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Phil

Yesterday, Phil preached for the first time at "big church". He had to wear a suit and everything...which is funny for those of you who know Phil because he's not a suit-wearing kinda guy...although he looks hot (but that's beside the point)....

Anyway, he did a great job and it was a proud moment for me as his wife. There was no doubt that God spoke through him and made his message clear. We hope that God received ALL the glory yesterday.

It was his 27th birthday yesterday also. It was an interesting birthday, busy with lots of ministry, but we were able to sneak in a little lunch with friends and family.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Fun at Uni's and Papa's

Kayla, Tyler, Cameron, and Elijah (doesn't he look thrilled) :)

Every year Phil's parents (Uni and Papa to the grandkids) invite the grandkids over for a Christmas fun overnight stay where they decorate cookies, decorate the Christmas tree and take a walk down Candy Cane we thought that Elijah would have fun and let him spend the night. He had a blast hanging out with his cousins (who are wonderful with him). I never thought leaving my child somewhere overnight would be so hard, but I have to admit that I got a little teary and missed him immediately but it was fun to spend some quality time with my husband.

Decorating Cookies

Wrestling with Cameron

We also went over to his brother's house that evening and had dinner with the siblings (which hasn't happened since Phil and I have been married) and we had a great time.

Phil, Heather, Diana, Tim and Amanda

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving this year at Phil's parent's house. My parents were able to join us again this year and we had a great time telling stories. Unfortunately, we ALL (nearly the whole family) got the flu bug the next several days and we're still recovering. This will be a Thanksgiving to remember...anyway, here's a pic of the fam...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lover of the helmet...

We (meaning Phil) started taking Elijah on bike rides and he LOVES wearing his helmet. He especially loves to play with it inside the house and since I'm not really up to a fight, I let him play and wear it when he wants...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fall Festival

Our church puts on a Halloween alternative for the community. Its a carnival-style event with jump houses, games, cake walk and trunk-or-treating. There were around 2000 people who came. Phil and I and our friends Kyle and Lindsey participate by decorating the back of Kyle's truck for the trunk-or-treat portion of the festival...this year we chose the Jungle as our theme...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Beautiful Fall

It's definitely fall around's probably my favorite part of living in Northern California. The trees turn such beautiful colors and you can't help but just smile and look in wonder every time you pass one...

Pumpkin Time

We went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. It was so much fun to let Elijah just walk around and touch the pumpkins...he kept saying "wow" every two seconds and thought it was the coolest thing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We're back...

After a few months of being without a camera, Phil and I were finally able to buy a new one. Here are a few of our favorite recent pictures...

This one's for you Grandpa...
Fire helmet, Bible and a truck

Daddy and Eli having fun after a nap...

Making cookies with Mommy...
(Grandma, notice I don't have any plastic bags on my hands!!!)...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ward Baby #2

Well, we had our official ultrasound was wonderful to see the baby and feel secure in the fact that it has 2 arms and 2 legs and a normal head...but, Phil decided not to find out the gender, and I being completely impatient, couldn't wait to find out...but, the technician was only about 80% sure of what she thought the baby's gender is... Needless to say, I'm not completely sure myself and have already planned to bring a pink and a blue outfit to the hospital...

Here's our beautiful baby #2

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We have some news...

Phil and I are proud to announce that we are expecting a new little one this coming March. Unfortunately, our camera is broken so I haven't been able to post any pictures lately. We just went on a family vacation to Cambria with my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins...hopefully pictures to come...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fun in the Sun

Elijah's cousins came up for the afternoon last week and we went to the local city park that has very cool water features, which Elijah and his friend Macy loved...especially trying to drink the water for some reason.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Home Improvement

While Phil is gone done in LA, my Dad and I thought it would be a perfect time to get some things done around the house...with his HUGE help, we accomplished a lot today...this used to be a giant dirt pile but now we filled it with playground bark and put Elijah's outside play structures on there so he has his own designated much fun.
I also planted a pumpkin patch in another area of dirt. There are three different varieties and sizes. I think Elijah will have fun watching them grow and I'm having fun experimenting with my gardening skills.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Boys will be Boys

Elijah has learned to enjoy climbing into any small place he can, including dump trucks and storage bins...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mom's Pool Day

My Mom's-day-out-to-a-oh-so-wonderful-pool weekly visits are finally here...Carly's friend allows us all to get together once a week and use their beautiful salt-water pool...All the kids have so much fun, and we get a chance to talk, cool off (the days of 100 degrees plus are here) and do something to mix up our daily are a few of my favorite pics...
Here is Carly, Macy and Elijah playing on the perfect step for toddlers...and yes, Carly's about ready to pop with baby Cameron (well, in about 6 more weeks)...

Elijah's taking it all in (probably thinking, "Hmmm, how can I score some more of Carly's snacks"?
Here's the whole group, missing a few mom's, but we had to capture the first swim day 2007...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Summer is Here!!!

Summer is officially here in our house, with the first pool party under our belt and Phil leaving for camp this Sunday. We have our shades on, our swim wear ready and waiting, and our sunblock to boot...summer, here we come! :-)

Here's Elijah at the 8th Grade BBQ for the Jr. High at church...the Evan's have the perfect pool for little ones...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's House

This weekend, I decided we needed to make a much needed visit to my parent's's been so relaxing and such a blast to have Elijah have such fun play buddies...

Bubble fun in the backyard...

Here we are playing at the park on the slides...he's pretty fearless, at 14 mths, he's going down them all by himself and laughs the whole way!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today Macy came over and got to hang out with us...I tried to get her and Elijah in a good shot together, but with two active children, I'm finding they don't want to stop having their fun, just so I can take their picture...I gave it my best...

Elijah was running and laughing towards me as I was taking this one.

I couldn't ever get them to stand close enough together, but I got this cute pic of Macy...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Elijah enjoyed his first Easter Egg Hunt at church yesterday. His favorite part was discovering and then throwing, of course, the eggs...that's our boy! :)

Friday, April 6, 2007

First Post

Welcome to the Ward Family blog spot!

We're excited for all of our friends and family to be able to keep up with our day-to-day events with this site. We will try and keep this as up to date as possible and make sure to post lots of pictures.